Friday, 27 March 2009

Trauma - PTSD

I was recently invited to talk on PTSD for a wonderful internet TV programme filmed at Toxteth TV - Inexcess.TV

Inexcess.TV is a TV programme produced for people struggling with excess & addiction; anyone concerned for a parent, child or friend or anyone trying to help others in their search for recovery.

On the show we discussed the effects of PTSD and the dramatic impact it can have on a person's life. We spoke to an ex soldier, Tom Fielding. Whilst listening to Tom's story it became apparent that Tom had suffered from the effects of seeing the horrors of war. Often the symptoms of PTSD appear for many years after the event and can become debilitating; with the sufferer having difficulty living a normal life.

If you would like to watch the show, view it at the Inexcess.TV website

Trauma and PTSD doesn't just happen to soldiers, it can happen to anyone. I see many clients in my practice from all walks of life, who have been involved in traumatic incidents, including victims of crime, car accidents, members of the emergency services and hospital workers. Years later they know something is wrong but don't know what. I have listed at the bottom of this blog some of the common symptoms of PTSD.

As a Registered Trauma Specialist in Merseyside, I can help clients suffering from the symptoms of PTSD. There are a number of techniques that can be used;

  • Counselling; allowing a client to release some of those feelings that may have been trapped for a very long time,

  • Cognitive Behavioural Techniques, such as exposure therapy,

  • Emotional Freedom Technique and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing.

The aims of the latter techniques are to help the mind move the traumatic memories from the short term memory to the long term memory. All of these techniques are used with the upmost care not to re-traumatise the client.

As promised, here is the list of symptoms of PTSD.


  • Shock
  • Loss of pleasure from hobbies, etc
  • Reduced
  • Concentration
  • Confusion
  • Anger
  • Disbelief
  • Terror
  • Distortion of perception
  • Guilt
  • Repeated negative thoughts
  • Grief
  • Reduced self belief
  • Self blame
  • Irritability
  • Helplessness
  • Despair
  • Disassociation
  • Reduced efficiency


  • Tiredness
  • Feeling of separation/being alone
  • Insomnia Social withdrawal
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Nightmares
  • Increased Personal stress
  • Hyper sensitive in relationships
  • Substance abuse
  • Lowered efficiency of immune system
  • Headaches
  • Stomach disturbances
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lowered libido
  • Easily startled

If you feel you are suffering from the effects of Trauma you are welcome to call me on 0845 643 0167 or email me at


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Recession Depression

The recession is causing many people to despair; ordinary people in the street are being affected by these challenging times, as well as business men and women.

We may not be in what economists would class as a Depression, but many people believe they are. I have seen the number of clients with anxiety and stress issues relating to the economic downturn increase over the last 12 months. These are people are worrying about losing their jobs, their homes and pensions. The worry and the uncertainty had triggered changes to sleeping patterns, eating patterns, headaches and nausea.

As a Hypno-Psychotherapist, I can help clients deal with some of the issues surrounding their lives. We can look at things such as how the recession has affected a client’s self esteem and their confidence or sometimes I will coach clients to take action, and help find new jobs or encourage them to find ways to help themselves.

Sometimes I will just help relieve some of the stress by using counselling and NLP techniques. I have a number of tools and techniques which my clients have found to be very useful in helping deal with their anxiety. I have listed below some hints and tips to help you.

If you think you cannot get through this difficult time on your own, it is crucial to seek help from others, e.g. friends, family, financial advisors or mental health professionals.

It is also very important to take the holistic approach to yourself in such difficult times. This means looking after your physical self as well as your mental and spiritual self. Make an effort to eat well, exercise, take walks when you need fresh air, sleep enough and do fun things that don’t cost much money.

Try not to become too negative. People often think to themselves that this or that will go wrong before it has even happened. Inevitably, when people begin to believe these things, they tend to happen.

Try to think objectively. Ask yourself the question; what is the worst that can happen and how likely is it?

Remind yourself that you can only control what you can control.

Hypnotherapy and NLP are wonderful tools to help you deal with your frame of mind. They can help motivate you, relieve stress and anxiety, as well as assist you in creating a positive mindset.

If you have any questions or queries, or would just like to enquire how I can help you, please give me a call on 0845 643 0167 in the strictest of confidence.

Remember the recession will not last forever!
