Inexcess.TV is a TV programme produced for people struggling with excess & addiction; anyone concerned for a parent, child or friend or anyone trying to help others in their search for recovery.
On the show we discussed the effects of PTSD and the dramatic impact it can have on a person's life. We spoke to an ex soldier, Tom Fielding. Whilst listening to Tom's story it became apparent that Tom had suffered from the effects of seeing the horrors of war. Often the symptoms of PTSD appear for many years after the event and can become debilitating; with the sufferer having difficulty living a normal life.
If you would like to watch the show, view it at the Inexcess.TV website http://www.inexcess.tv/?p=4892&v=1
Trauma and PTSD doesn't just happen to soldiers, it can happen to anyone. I see many clients in my practice from all walks of life, who have been involved in traumatic incidents, including victims of crime, car accidents, members of the emergency services and hospital workers. Years later they know something is wrong but don't know what. I have listed at the bottom of this blog some of the common symptoms of PTSD.
As a Registered Trauma Specialist in Merseyside, I can help clients suffering from the symptoms of PTSD. There are a number of techniques that can be used;
- Counselling; allowing a client to release some of those feelings that may have been trapped for a very long time,
- Cognitive Behavioural Techniques, such as exposure therapy,
- Emotional Freedom Technique and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing.
The aims of the latter techniques are to help the mind move the traumatic memories from the short term memory to the long term memory. All of these techniques are used with the upmost care not to re-traumatise the client.
As promised, here is the list of symptoms of PTSD.
- Shock
- Loss of pleasure from hobbies, etc
- Reduced
- Concentration
- Confusion
- Anger
- Disbelief
- Terror
- Distortion of perception
- Guilt
- Repeated negative thoughts
- Grief
- Reduced self belief
- Self blame
- Irritability
- Helplessness
- Despair
- Disassociation
- Reduced efficiency
- Tiredness
- Feeling of separation/being alone
- Insomnia Social withdrawal
- Sleep disturbance
- Nightmares
- Increased Personal stress
- Hyper sensitive in relationships
- Substance abuse
- Lowered efficiency of immune system
- Headaches
- Stomach disturbances
- Reduced appetite
- Lowered libido
- Easily startled
If you feel you are suffering from the effects of Trauma you are welcome to call me on 0845 643 0167 or email me at