According to research, the new diet pills available over the pharmacy counter and without prescription will enable users to lose only a modest amount of excess weight.
In our heart of hearts, we all know that taking these tablets is no substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle.
People turn to food for countless reasons – boredom, low self esteem and lack of confidence are a few examples. Clients who come to me for weight-loss therapy are often unconscious of the real reasons for their problem.
Hypnotherapy can be so beneficial because it helps individuals establish the true reason for their weight problems.
My fear is that without understanding your own personal reasons the temptation of a one tablet, quick-hit approach, is a solution doomed to failure.
Not losing weight whilst taking these tablets or piling the weight back on after stopping them, can seriously affect your mental and physical health. Feelings of failure overwhelm you and so the spiral continues.
We all know that tablets are not a replacement for knowledge and education, nor do they replace the need to take responsibility of actions and behaviours. But once you understand the reasons why you over eat, you can find the right solution that works for you.
Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are excellent tools in balancing the conscious and the sub conscious self which is vital in helping people gain their desired body shape and weight.
To help each individual find the right solution, I’ve teamed up with professional Personal Trainer, Jane Ezra. We can offer clients a complete weight-loss package, combining both Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT and coaching with practical physical private, one to one, gym or home based support to enable clients to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
For more details on how hypnotherapy works, please visit our website at http://www.transformationhypnotherapy.co.uk/.
For more details about Jane Ezra, visit her website at http://www.janeezrapersonaltraining.co.uk/.
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