Monday, 14 June 2010

World Cup Fever

Well its begun.

World Cup Fever has started, but what a disappointing start for England and Robert Green. How many of us have made an error like that? Just when we think everything is as it should be, life takes an unexpected turn and the ball bobbles into the goal!

So how do we get over something like that? How does Robert Green get over it?

Well, hypnosis and NLP can help, and I would dare say some of the sports psychologists the England team has taken over with them will be using NLP and hypnosis techniques to rebuild Robert Green's confidence. I have myself used similar techniques for both professional and semi professional sports people, these have included equestrian sports people, golfers and semi professional footballers.

So how can you get over something like a mistake at world football's biggest stage?

Here's how I would do it if Robert Green came to see me.

1. I would begin by using ego strengthening to restrengthen his dented confidence, and give post hypnotic suggestions for him to repeat, to give a surge of energy and confidence before and during the match.

2. State control would be taught using NLP Anchoring, which is a conditioning technique to assist clients to access resourceful emotional states when required, such as concentration, confidence and focus.

3. Relaxation techniques can be taught to keep the client in a relaxed state, to reduce nervous energy before the game and during half time.

4. The NLP Fast Phobia Cure could be used to help stop the client playing the mistake over and over again in their mind, which would affect their emotional state before the next game.

There are other techniques too numerous to mention, but hopefully this gives you some idea of how hypnotherapeutic techniques and NLP can help even with the most pressurised circumstances, and lets face it, it probably doesn't come any bigger than the first game of the World Cup.

If you have any questions or comments, why not give me a call or drop me an email.

Until next time


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